?> Modern Slavery Statement - Relaxwalking®

Modern Slavery Statement




relaxwalking.com or relaxwalking.co.uk Modern Slavery Statement, 

relaxwalking.com or relaxwalking.co.uk Modern Slavery Statement, This statement is our own take on modern slavery and accordance of the Modern Slavery Statement Act 2015. Which it sets out the steps also which relaxwalking.com or relaxwalking.co.uk have adopted to prevent this from happening in our organization of doing business with others. And to make it aware that we take measures to prevent relaxwalking.com or relaxwalking.co.uk from doing business with others that do not recognize Modern Slavery Statement Act 2015 or similar in their own counties.

As a small company we in 31 March 2020 take steps to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chain. From the companies that we do business with us have a compliance to the checks to standard of working conditions are expected to comply with all labour, ethics and management systems expectations; local country labour and human resource laws; cannot use labour that is obtained through mental or physical coercion, physical punishment, slavery or other oppressive labour conditions; and cannot engage in any form of human trafficking, which has been shown from any evidence given from the factories or of the companies or trusts which we sell to recognize the important of this and to prevail in taking any part in Modern Slavery of any kind.

relaxwalking.com or relaxwalking.co.uk is committed to respect for human rights, in our own operations and in our supply chain of a code of conduct, to others place of work, and safety and a good place to work, environment has meet conditions for the employees to have a respectful workplace to do their work and be safe doing so.

We at relaxwalking.com or relaxwalking.co.uk has general meetings of the companies that we deal with, that they meet the requirements from their own governing body of the country Modern Slavery and recognise this as an act.